G-QRP Club Convention

I am just out of this week’s progress meeting for the Convention and all is on track for it to be a great weekend of live QRP talks with Q&A sessions after each one.We have been able to secure speakers to cover the top 10 topics that were suggested in the survey we carried out including construction, antennas, digital modes, propagation test equipment, portable operations and more.The ticket sales have been steady through the week and we have now sold over half of the seats available. If you have not yet booked, I would encourage you to do so in order to make sure you do not miss out; the Eventbrite system works really well but if you get stuck, please do not hesitate to get in touch.The full programme is on the Club website, along with details on how to book tickets and some FAQs about the event: http://www.gqrp.com/convention.htm
73, Steve, G0FUW
G-QRP Club